Samantha Williamson
in Cedar Park

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Samantha Williamson originally joined Blue Lotus as the practice administrator and marketing director after achieving success with her own weight loss. She was instrumental in building the practice from the ground up, overseeing website creation, developing marketing strategies, managing daily operations, and customizing weight loss programs. 

Samantha provides nutritional guidance and emphasizes a personalized approach, stating, “It’s not a one-size-fits-all strategy. Our patients can have as little or as much assistance as they need to achieve their goals. It’s my job to educate and be a lifeline to the doctor.”

With the expansion of Blue Lotus Weight Management into Blue Lotus Aesthetics & Wellness, Samantha is dedicated to the practice’s ongoing growth and the addition of full aesthetic services. She leverages her passion for the beauty industry to drive success.

Samantha has prior experience in wellness, including as a physician liaison across multiple specialties, including pain management, orthopedics, neurosurgery, neurology, and rheumatology. She focused on creating referral pipelines, fostering business development, and expanding community outreach initiatives. She also served as president of Austin Med Reps, a Central Texas networking group focused on building physician relationships and healthcare industry connections.

Samantha earned her bachelor of science in business administration from the University of Louisiana at Lafayette, majoring in management and minoring in economics.

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