in Cedar Park

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Renew & Rejuvenate Your Look

Ready for a renewed you? We offer a range of injectable treatments designed to help boost your natural beauty and bring back that inner glow. 

Imagine softer lines, lifted brows, fuller lips, and sculpted features that frame our face in a whole new light. We want to help you enjoy natural-looking, long-lasting results that will leave you feeling confident and beautiful.

Our tailored injectable solutions are all about meeting your unique desires.

Book your spot at Blue Lotus Aesthetics & Wellness today, and let’s work together to achieve your goals.

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Fillers vs. Neuromodulators: Which Is Right for You?

Fillers and neuromodulators both offer benefits with minimal downtime. But what choice would be best for you? We’ll discuss your goals to create a personalized treatment.

Dermal fillers can add volume to soften lines and enhance shape, plumping features like lips or cheeks. 

Neuromodulators (neurotoxins) can relax muscles that create wrinkles when you frown, smile, or squint, smoothing lines and preventing them from deepening. Our options include (BotoxⓇ and DysportⓇ).

Fillers: Facial Contouring & Boosting Volume

Dermal fillers use a naturally occuring gel-like substance that can soften facial folds, giving back that youthful volume to areas like the cheeks or temples that have lost fullness due to aging. Fillers can also contour and plump features, whether you want to add definition to your cheeks, lips, chin, or jawline.

What’s more, fillers can help kickstart collagen production, giving you an even longer boost. Our filler options are safe and effective for all skin tones and types.

Improvements can last for up to a year after your treatment.

What Areas Can Fillers Treat?

The most common treatment targets for fillers include:

  • Cheek & lip plumping
  • Jawline sculpting
  • Chin & nose contouring
  • Enhancing facial volume
  • Softening creases & lines
  • Reducing scars

Discover Your Filler Match

Take a peek at our diverse filler options, tailored to your unique goals and preferences. We can guide you through the benefits of each, helping you choose a treatment that’s just right for your individual needs.


Sculptra is a poly-L-lactic acid (PLLA) filler that can gradually stimulate collagen production to add natural-looking volume. It can also help smooth and firm the cheeks, chin, nasolabial folds, and along the jawline.


Restylane is a hyaluronic acid (HA) filler that can volumize and smooth wrinkles for natural-looking results. It can also treat lips, laugh lines, and cheeks to enhance facial contours and restore youthful firmness.


Juvéderm is a hyaluronic (HA) filler with various options to customize facial sculpting. Juvéderm can help plump and soften lines, including treating the lips, cheeks, chin, smile lines, undereye hollows, and jawline.

Neuromodulators: BotoxⓇ, DysportⓇ, & Wrinkle-Relaxing Injectables

Neuromodulators, or BotoxⓇ as most of us know it, have been FDA-approved for years to treat glabellar lines—the vertical folds that form between the eyebrows. 

Both BotoxⓇ and DysportⓇ work on the muscles responsible for forming creases when we frown, smile, squint, or raise our eyebrows. By giving these muscles a little break, the neuromodulator formula can help ease lines made by facial expressions and can help prevent deeper wrinkles from developing.

Most people can enjoy the smoothing results 3–4 months after treatment.

What Areas Can Botox Or Dysport Treat?

Neuromodulator injections can help soften fine lines, wrinkles, and dimpling. Areas neurotoxins can help treat include:

  • Frown & forehead lines
  • Top of the nose (bunny lines)
  • Crow’s feet & hooded eyes
  • Under the eyes (tear trough)
  • Lipstick lines & corners of the mouth
  • Chin (to prevent dimpling)
  • Jawline & neck

Pre-Treatment Instructions for Neuromodulators & Fillers

We want to help you achieve beautiful results from your injectable treatments. We recommend following these guidelines to plan ahead before your appointment.

  • Schedule your dermal filler appointments at least 4 weeks before any special event to allow for complete healing.
  • Results from injections can take about 4–7 days to appear. Mild bruising or swelling may also be visible during this period, especially for fillers.
  • If you find a rash, cold sore, or blemish in the treatment area, reschedule your appointment at least 24 hours in advance.
  • Please let your provider know if you have a history of cold sores. We may recommend an anti-viral medication before your injection. 
  • To help minimize bruising, avoid blood thinners, including frequent use of NSAIDs, before and after aesthetic procedures.
  • Refrain from consuming alcohol at least 24 hours before treatment to reduce the risk of bruising.
  • Stop using Retin-A 2 days before and 2 days after treatment.

Additional Options to Help Minimize Bruising

Here are a few additional options to help minimize the risk of bruising after treatment. If you’re considering using these products, order online or purchase beforehand. Please note these are entirely optional suggestions.

  • Homeopathic Arnica Montana ointment or SinEcc (pill form) – Start 4 days before treatment
  • Bromelain (homeopathic medicine)
  • Good nutrition & fresh fruit consumption (pineapple & papaya recommended)
  • Ocumend gel pads (available online)

Neuromodulators: Post-Treatment Recommendations

Post-treatment care is essential for achieving results with minimal discomfort. We recommend following these steps after receiving BotoxⓇ and neuromodulator treatments.

  • Avoid massaging or manipulating the treated area for 3 hours following treatment. 
  • Do not receive facials or laser treatments at least 7 days after neuromodulator injections.
  • Results typically appear in 4–7 days. Please schedule an appointment if you want more areas treated or additional neurotoxin.
  • Avoid activities involving straining, heavy lifting, or vigorous exercise for 6 hours post-treatment to prevent the neuromodulator from migrating or reducing your results.

Dermal Fillers: Post-Treatment Recommendations

Taking good care of yourself after your filler procedure can help enhance treatment outcomes and speed up your recovery. Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have questions post-treatment or are curious about what to expect. We’re always here to help.

  • Avoid significant movement or massage of the treated area unless instructed by your provider.
  • Avoid heavy exercise or any activity that gets your heart racing for 24 hours.
  • Avoid excessive sun or heat exposure for 72 hours.

Aftercare Tips to Help Minimize Swelling

These tips can help you minimize swelling:

  • Avoid alcohol & high-sodium foods.
  • Apply cold compresses or ice packs for 20 minutes hourly for the first 1–2 days post-treatment.
  • Sleep face-up & avoid pressure on your face.
  • Use acetaminophen for discomfort & swelling reduction.
  • Take over-the-counter antihistamines. Look for “non-drowsy” for day use.

If you experience severe swelling, contact the Blue Lotus team. We may prescribe a stronger anti-inflammatory medication. 

PRPF Hair Restoration

Discovering more strands in your brush or seeing missing patches can be disheartening. If you’re looking for a natural way to restore hair that feels healthy, vibrant, and fuller, our PRPF Stem Cell Hair Booster treatment can help.

Platelet-rich plasma fibrin (PRPF) hair restoration uses your body’s growth factors, which are injected into the scalp, to stimulate natural rejuvenation. 

  • Platelets act as messengers, encouraging hair follicles to begin growth cycles. 
  • Stem cells from these platelets are self-renewing, helping to regenerate and repair damaged tissue.

Schedule a consultation if you’re ready to explore some innovative hair regrowth solutions.

Discover Your Glow: Book Now at Blue Lotus

Let us be your guide and confidante in redefining your beauty and wellness. Explore our tailored injectable treatments and hair restoration services, each step designed to align with your unique aesthetic aspirations. 

Get in touch today to schedule an appointment.

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Blue Lotus

Our Commitment to Creating Exceptional Experiences

We make a promise to each guest who enters Blue Lotus Aesthetics & Wellness that we are ready to transform their wellness journey. Guided by our “REFRESH” core values, we’re committed to delivering exceptional care that leaves them feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

Our Location

You can find us in the Reserve at Caballo Ranch shopping complex across from The Toasted Yolk restaurant. 

Our Address

  • 14105 Ronald Reagan Blvd, Suite 203
  • Cedar Park, TX 78641

Contact Information

Hours of Operation

9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
9:00 AM 6:00 PM
10:00 AM 4:00 PM
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