Laini Moman
in Cedar Park

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Laini Moman is our dedicated practice manager with over 15 years of experience in the aesthetics industry and running practices. Transitioning from her role as a practicing licensed aesthetician, Laini now focuses on administration, where she leverages her extensive expertise as an LSO (Laser Safety Officer) and CLHRP (Certified Laser Hair Removal Professional) to maintain our high standard of care and operational excellence.

Laini’s passion for the wellness and aesthetics industries drives her to create a safe and positive client environment. She strongly emphasizes compliance standards, ensuring that all practices adhere to industry regulations and best practices. Her commitment to safety protects our clients, fostering trust and confidence in our services.

Whether managing daily operations, implementing innovative strategies, or ensuring compliance with safety standards, Laini is committed to elevating the quality of care in aesthetics, aiming to help clients feel valued and rejuvenated.

In her spare time, Laini enjoys spending quality moments with her family, including her 2 energetic boys and 2 beloved dogs. Her strong faith guides her personally and professionally, inspiring her to foster kindness and positivity in everything she does. Whether cheering on her children at their activities or enjoying outdoor adventures with her family, Laini cherishes the moments with them.

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